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July 2, 2021 NF Legislative Roundup: Farmworkers’ Rights

As state legislations slow down, there’s been some focus on farmworkers’ rights recently! Check out these highlights and more!


  • SB1064
    • Why we’re watching: Arizona is often mentioned in these Roundups for the wrong reason, but not this week. The aforementioned bill, recently approved by the House, would help some inmates earn earlier releases based on substance abuse and other anti-recidivism programs.


  • SB87
    • Why we’re watching: In Colorado, Gov. Polis signed SB87 into law, boosting farmworkers’ rights through overtime, organizing, and minimum wage provisions. Additionally, workers will have easier access to state and local benefits, which significantly helps Colorado’s immigrant population.
  • SB116
    • Why we’re watching: If a Colorado school is using Native American imagery or names as mascots, they’ll face a $25,000 per month fine. This reform comes as the entire country grapples with racist representation of Indigenous peoples and minorities in public spaces.


  • American Rescue Plan
    • Why we’re watching: The Biden administration wants to allocate over $10 billion of the American Rescue Plan to help minority farmers through debt relief, grants, education, and land acquisition. Such support would combat decades-long inequities in the industry, but the plan has been held up by lawsuits and a federal injunction.
  • HR3005
    • Why we’re watching: This week, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a measure to remove a bust of Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney from the Capitol. Taney wrote the Dred Scott decision that reaffirmed slaves’ status as property, not people. His statue will be replaced by one of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court Justice.

What do you think of the bills in this week’s legislative roundup? Did we miss anything? Drop us a line on any of our social channels or hit us up through our contact us form. Let us know what’s happening in YOUR neighborhood!