Today’s roundup is a little different. We’re looking at some developments in the world of policing across the country!
- Grand Jury Indictment
- Why we’re watching: Almost two years after the murder of Elijah McClain, a grand jury has indicted the three police officers and two paramedics that used unnecessary and lethal force to detain the 23-year-old. These charges come on the heels of Gov. Polis signing policing reforms into law earlier in the summer in McClain’s memory.
- Chicago Police Department Presence in Schools
- Why we’re watching: After polling a number of Chicago public schools, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) found out that most administrators didn’t want officers patrolling their buildings. After initially planning to ignore this insight, the CPD has since promised to withdraw officers from schools that expressed hesitancy to house multiple officers.
- Naperville Body Cameras
- Why we’re watching: Body cameras are slowly becoming the norm among police departments, and now Naperville is joining the mix. This week, officers began testing body cameras that automatically activate when answering a call or making an arrest.
- Charter Amendment
- Why we’re watching: In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, Minneapolis voters will consider a ballot measure to replace the police department with a “public safety agency,” a first of its kind notion in such a major city. If approved, the measure would transform traditional policing into a more community- and civil rights-focused methodology.
- Kansas City Council Vote
- Why we’re watching: Back in May, the Kansas City Council voted to reduce its $42 million police budget as the country generally reconsiders the institution of law enforcement. Now, the Board of Police Commissioners is suing Kansas City to overturn its decision.
What do you think of the bills in this week’s legislative roundup? Did we miss anything? Drop us a line on any of our social channels or hit us up through our contact us form. Let us know what’s happening in YOUR neighborhood!